Want to know how to get over a bad day? Here are 13 tried and tested ways to get your day back on track.
Let’s face it, life is messy and we’ll inevitably all encounter bad days sometimes. Whether you’re dealing with mental clutter, coping with a toxic work environment or you’re just fed up dealing with everyday stresses…Life can be a real pain in the a** sometimes. Maybe you can’t even pinpoint what the heck is wrong, all you know is that you’re feeling totally blah.
I’m familiar with the struggle and I know how bad days tend to make us feel unmotivated, emotional, and stuck. When all you want is some peace, and it just isn’t an immediate option… You want some handy solutions in your arsenal to get your day back on track FAST.
How To Get Over A Bad Day
1. Eat clean
First and foremost, your health is directly connected to the way you feel in every sense. If you’re not eating right and giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive…It’s not going to function properly and that will manifest itself in many different ways.
The amount of blah days you’ll experience will greatly decrease if you take your health seriously.
In today’s world, so much of the food is fake or depleted of the proper nutrients. It’s certainly a huge factor in why so many people are sick, especially in America. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” … This statement couldn’t be more true!
To feel your best, your health needs to be a top-of-the-list priority in your life.
2. Get some exercise
When you’re having a bad day it can be hard to convince yourself to go to the gym. But I promise you will feel a million times better if you can muster up the motivation!
Exercise releases endorphins that can lessen the symptoms of depression, alleviate stress and anxiety, improve your self-image, and help you lose weight along the way. Exercising allows me to take my mind off whatever troubles I’m facing and have a timeout from everything going on.
After your workout, you’re sure to feel refreshed and accomplished and be in a more positive mood!
3. Go outside
You are not meant to be stuck inside as much as you probably are, take a break and go outside.
Going outside and connecting with God’s beautiful creation can instantly improve and enliven your state of mind. Taking a step back and realizing that the world is so much bigger than our fleeting problems can help place everything back into proper perspective.
When you change your surroundings it can help you to appreciate the little things. And remind you how diverse and beautiful nature is, and how everything works perfectly together.
When life gets overwhelming sometimes the best thing you can do is go stand barefoot on the grass and breathe in the fresh air.
4. Pray
Sometimes life can get heavy and the only one who can understand is God. When you tell God what’s on your heart and mind…You can have some release knowing that He is listening, He’s with you and He’s in control.
God wants you to include Him in your day. Even for the seemingly mundane things because He created humans to have a relationship with Him. God understands our human emotions better than anyone and knows every minute detail of our ways.
Bear in mind that God builds our character the most through life’s challenging seasons. Sometimes we have to go through difficulties to have the right heart posture for our next divine assignment.
5. Journal your thoughts
Journaling is one of my absolute favorite ways to connect with myself and it is SO underrated. You’d be amazed at how relieved you’d feel after venting into your journal about your daily feelings and struggles.
I know it can be challenging to stay disciplined about journaling… But it’s something that can drastically help you improve your relationship with yourself if you stay committed to it. It’s a unique way to document your life, feelings, and struggles. It can also serve as an outlet to stay honest and in tune with your own emotions.
I love reflecting on my life after journaling for some time to see how I’ve grown over time. My favorite way to journal is prayer journaling and writing letters to God about everything on my mind.
6. Turn off your phone
Turning off my phone and disconnecting from social media can instantly make me feel a million times better.
Technology is great but it’s also easy to get addicted to the never-ending scroll, which isn’t good for anybody. People only post about the aspects of their lives that they want you to see. It’s easy to compare ourselves to others when we don’t have the full picture, only the edited view.
Not to mention that constantly scrolling messes with our natural neurotransmitters like dopamine which essentially creates an unhealthy and addiction-like social media dependency.
It’s best to place limitations on your electronic consumption altogether so you don’t have a Pavlovian like-dog response to every ding your phone makes!
7. Do something you enjoy
Sometimes all you need is to just take a break and do something for yourself. I’m sure it’s not uncommon in your busy life for the things that make you happy to be pushed to the back of the line.
Sometimes all you need to pull yourself out of that funk is to do something that brings you peace and satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to say no and set a boundary when you need a break. Yes you’re supermom and your family needs you but even supermom needs a break to recharge sometimes.
Take a half hour and go crochet, bake or do something that would bring you make you smile and remember that life can be simple and easy too.
8. Power nap
Next on the list is taking power naps. Sometimes turning your brain off for a half hour can go a long way in the grand scheme of your day. Short naps can help you to relax, and breathe and can help you to wake up with better positivity to pivot the trajectory of your day. It will also help you to be revitalized and give you a much-needed boost of energy instead of reaching for another cup of coffee.
Just set a short timer, lie down and circle breathe your worries away.
9. Read a book
I LOVE getting lost in a good book. Reading is a fantastic way to shift your mind off of your own worries and immerse your thinking elsewhere. If you have a half hour or hour to read, dive into that book you’ve been dying to read instead of allowing yourself to feel sorry about yourself in your bad day. You will feel so much better after having the opportunity to gain some much needed perspective from a self help book, or letting your mind wander off into someone else’s story.
Reading can help take you out of your world of stress and can be a fun and productive way to overcome that bad day.
10. Practice gratitude
I know it is so easy to dwell on the things that aren’t ideal in life. And practicing gratitude can help you keep all of your many blessings in a fresher and better perspective. If you’re feeling down or frustrated by what’s going wrong…Stop and consider for a moment all the things that have gone right. There are a million things to be thankful for and thinking of them can help you find peace amid the chaos of life.
A good practice to develop is writing down 3-5 things you’re grateful for during low points to help shift your mood and perspective quickly. It’s also a great habit to develop at the beginning of each day!
11. Realize that your mind is a battlefield
As a Christian, I largely believe that everything in life has a spiritual connection. This is true whether you realize it or not because the playground of the devil is the mind.
Satan will try to tempt you to think a certain thing, react a certain way, feel shame or he will fill your mind with lies to try to avert you from God’s truths.
This is why Paul advises the church to take every thought captive and make it submit to Christ. When we successfully do that, we defeat the enemy before he can wage war within our minds.
…Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
12. Help someone else
Helping other people else can pull you right out of your mood and give you the gratification of making someone else’s day better.
You could go help a neighbor rake his leaves? Make a casserole dinner for a friend who’s been struggling or volunteer at a cat shelter. The world needs more kindness and you can answer that call. Sometimes all we need is to be pulled out of our own little world and remember that we shift our attitude to bring something positive to someone else’s day.
13. Consider taking supplements consistently
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and I am only speaking from personal experience.
The reason why I’m including taking supplements in this list is because I have noticed an immeasurable difference in how I feel since taking them. And I can confidently say that you will feel 1,000 times better if you commit to taking the supplements your body is deficient in.
Before I took supplements and prioritized my overall health and wellbeing… I was wracked with anxiety every day and I would have more bad days than good days. I noticed a huge difference in how I felt once I started taking supplements consistently to balance out the vitamins my body is deficient in.
Most people are deficient in natural vitamins and minerals which can affect all areas of your physical and mental health. If you’re interested in figuring out what vitamins your body is deficient in and approaching your health from a more natural standpoint…I would recommend reaching out to a naturopathic doctor for a consultation.
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This post was all about how to get over a bad day!
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