What does the Bible say about secular music? Is listening to worldly music a sin? Let’s dive into this intriguing subject and discover how we should be perceiving secular music as Christians.
My story in the music industry:
As someone who used to listen to (and write) A LOT of secular music, I have some pretty strong opinions on this subject.
Music was something I fell in love with at an early age, and still love to this day.
I was fascinated with the way artists crafted songs to perfectly encapsulate every human feeling and emotion. How the blending of musical instruments and lyrics created something so beautiful to the human ear. Music was something that could stir and touch the heart in a way that isnโt easily explained through writing.
I used to spend my days searching for new tunes to add to my ever-growing list of playlists. And for a good portion of my life, I lived to go see as many of my favorite artists in concert as possible.
Before long, I was writing my very own songs and taking guitar and piano lessons.
Captivated by the (seemingly) glamor-filled lifestyle of these artists, I wanted to create songs to touch the hearts of people too. I wanted the adoring fans, and to experience the feeling of thousands of people singing my songs back to me on a brightly lit stage in a custom-made twinkling dress.
I lived and breathed this dream for 8 years, spending as much time as possible in recording studios and learning about the industry I desired to enter.
After a lot of hard work, I found myself sitting across from major record label representatives and having dinner with investors interested in my music portfolio. I thought my dreams were coming trueโฆ
Until that dream came to a screeching halt when I realized the music industry was a scary place, and that the only way to “success” was to bend every single one of my inner convictions.
At the time, I was working with a well-connected music investor who shamelessly told me on the phone one night that there was “no difference between good and evil” and that “I needed to decide if I wanted to be a queen or a serf in this life”.
At this time in my life, I didn’t have a relationship with God but I absolutely knew there was a difference between good and evil.
It wasn’t long after that when my investor and I’s professional relationship ended. I simply wasn’t willing to conform to what the industry “needed me to be”; not for fame, not for the million dollars they offered, not for anything.
The things I found out about the music industry from an artist’s standpoint completely changed my view on life and music and helped me realize that the dream so many chase is actually a nightmare, and absolutely not worth the cost.
This was a hard revelation to come to terms with, but it was a critical stepping stone in realizing that Satan was real, and so was the God of the Bible.
My short experience in the music industry tore the veil wide open and helped me realize who was really pulling the strings in the music business and Hollywood, and how it affects us as music fans and listeners.
Getting past the gatekeepers:
The abrupt end to my dream led me down a series of rabbit holes searching for the truth.
I quickly learned that the people who have “made it” in the industry without a doubt paid a price for their fame and success.
They arenโt given the platform, influence and glamorous lifestyle they have for nothing.
Satan is the god of this world and his tentacles stretch far and wide into all aspects of the entertainment industry.
His purpose on earth is to steal, kill and destroy, by any means possible. And therein lies his primary purpose within the modern music industry…to defile especially young people in an unsuspecting way.
The culture today is out of control and yes, I think the subject matter of many secular songs today is very much to blame.
The majority of modern pop, rap and other kinds of music promote themes like pride, lust, alcohol, weed, sexual immorality, drugs, worship of self, money, idolization of romantic partners, bad language and all kinds of sinful behavior/ungodly thoughts.
Is it a coincidence that the majority of music videos today allude to satanic references? I think not.
These major artists are leading people astray in troves because people donโt understand the extremely spiritual nature woven into their favorite songs.
The Spiritual Component:
The Bible says in Proverbs
This was a sobering realization when I started carefully examining the lyrics I was mindlessly singing along to in my car. They were not words that aligned with who God was calling me to be. In fact, they were completely the opposite.
I realized I was speaking these words over myself, and inviting things into my life that I wanted no part of. As a result, I was a person who did not possess the values God desired me to have for a very long time.
Similarly Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:22-23:
Jesus is talking about the eye gates, but the same is true for the ear gates. What we allow ourselves to be exposed to shapes who we are inside, for better or for worse.
It’s the same reason why our souls are healed when we dwell on the word of God instead.
Even if you don’t spend your time listening to blatantly sinful music (i.e hard rap songs about sex, drugs and money) you should still consider the nature of the song.
When I initially started listening to music I was all about secular artists Taylor Swift, Marina and The Diamonds, Ed Sheeran, etc, etc,. I loved them and knew every one of their songs by heart.
But when I started on my Christian walk, I began to view their music and many others very differently.
I realized that they glorified the heck out of relationships, and because of that, I did the same.
I was a boy-crazy, and wanted to be an artist in the same vein as them. I used to listen to so much sad music that I was a sad, anxiety-ridden person for a good portion of my life.
The words I was singing over and over again were being manifested into my real lifeโฆ
So I say againโฆ
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Proverbs 18:21
The Idolization Of Musical Artists
Another profound revelation I had about the nature of the music industry is how the musical “stars” are propped up to be idols.
At the tender age of 13, I went to my first concert…Selena Gomez. And I literally sobbed as she was coming out. I remember being so taken aback by the experience as I had an unhealthy love for her and her music and I was quite literally obsessed.
I went on to have many musical “idols” and my life revolved around waiting for their next single to release.
Now that I have God in my life, I can see there was a fundamental problem with this. Not only were these popular music artists just people, but being crazy obsessed with musical artists is a form of idolatry.
3 Good Questions To Ask Yourself
So…Should you stop listening to all secular music? Not necessarily. Although I try to turn on faith music the majority of the time, I still enjoy listening to a variety of styles of music, mostly rock music.
There are a lot of amazing non-Christian songs that don’t make me feel like I’m dishonoring God or myself by listening to them. A lot of music is simply, neutral.
For example, I love the song ‘Don’t Dream It’s Over” by Crowded House. The lyrics aren’t Christian, but they’re simple and non-offensive.
It’s a song that makes me appreciate life and the artistic vision of another artist.
You can absolutely still enjoy music but you should always let the Holy Spirit guide you in discernment.
If you’re wondering if there is a certain song/artist you should be avoiding ask yourself these questions:
1. Do you feel convicted about it?
2. What is the content of the lyrics about? Is it something that hurts God and His will for you?
3. If you were to sing along to the song, are the lyrics something you feel comfortable speaking over yourself?
How I stepped away from secular music:
Although I knew limiting my exposure to secular music was a necessary part of my spiritual growth, I was convinced that it would be one of the most difficult things for me to leave behind.
To my surprise…It wasn’t.
The closer I got to God, the easier it was to leave that part of me in the past for good. Spending time with God changed my desires, interests and most of all my heart. He made me into a new creature, and gave me the thing I needed most…Spiritual life in Christ Jesus.
He will do the same for you as you draw nearer and nearer to Him.
Although there was a time in my former life where gospel music made me cringe. I now get it and more importantly, absolutely love listening to it.
I found a plethora of songs that were extremely stylistically similar to ones I left behind only this time.. with a Christian worldview.
These artists were using the gifts God gave them to spread the good news and glory of God. It was beautiful and inspiring.
This discovery also reignited my own musical spark and has gotten me writing music again too, but this time for God.
I feel that beyond this blog, writing faith-based music is the next step in my ministry to help God’s kingdom grow far and wide. I am at peace knowing He gave me my musical gifts to glorify Him instead.
Music is a universal language that brings people together, and it can bring people back to the heart of God as well.
In Conclusion,
Is it a sin to listen to secular music?
It’s up to each of us to exercise our own wisdom, judgment and self-control. If it makes us feel convicted, we should always hold things up to the mirror of the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.
Here is a list of my current favorite worship music/Christian songs:)
-Rescue (Strings And Heart)
-Where To Find Me (Jet Trouble)
-Priorities (RIDERS, Circuit Rider Music)
-Tremble- Song Session (Jordan Smith, Essential Worship)
-Falling Up (Laity)
-All Around You (Flyleaf) (My favorite band!!)
-Made for Jesus (John Mark Pantana, Olivia Dyer)
-In Jesus Name (Katy Nichole)
-Soldier, Poet, King (The Oh Hellos)
-Goodness of God – Live (Jenn Johnson)
-High Up (Jonathan Traylor)
-Daughter of a King (Trailer Flowers)
-Day or Night (Jervis Campbell)
-Awesome God (Michael W. Smith)
-Take Your Time (Joseph O’Brien)
-Love So Great – Live (David Ware)
-Slow Down (Forrest)
-I’m Free (Strings And Heart)
-All My Life (Hillsong Young & Free)
-Without You (RIDERS, Circuit Rider Music)
-Mess It Up (gio.)
-It Is Well -Live (Kristene DiMarco, Bethel Music)
-Saving Grace (Flyleaf)
-Thanks In Advance (Evan Ford, Evan and Eris)
-Midnight (Jon Webster)
-Air I Breathe (Sondae, Isabelle Brown)
-Transfiguration (Hillsong Worship, TAYA)
Christian music is one of my favorite ways to abide in the presence of God. He is worthy of praise!!
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