What are 12 important qualities a godly woman should possess? Read on to find out!
God loves us dearly and each one of us has been created in His image with specific talents, personalities, and qualities in mind. God desires to use all of us in His magnificent plan to carry out His will on earth and save the lost.
God is looking for each of us to pursue godliness every day to become the masterpieces He has created us to be.
What Is Godliness?
Godliness is living a life of fruitful, disciplined obedience to God above all else. It’s turning away from the evil world, dying to sin, and living righteously in God’s sight. With a heart desiring to love like Jesus so His light can radiate through us every day.
This post will discuss 12 essential attributes all Christian women should possess to glorify God.
Here are 12 essential attributes of a Godly Woman.
A Godly Woman Is…
1. Relentlessly Faithful
A woman after God’s heart always has her faith in her Lord Jesus Christ. She chooses faith over fear and has her eyes set on Jesus as she walks over the raging seas of life. Her unshakable faith inspires others and she knows that she is set apart for a special purpose that can only be accomplished by her and God.
2. Graceful To Others
A noble Christian woman understands grace and is willing to extend it to others at all times. She knows that God fights her battles for her and she only needs to be still. When she is hurt, she focuses on the things of God instead of the things of the world and acknowledges that all people need the love of Jesus. She forgives and prays for her enemies knowing that God sees all and He will provide the recompense. Like Jesus, she maintains strong boundaries yet exudes Christ’s love from within her heart.
3. Always Searching The Word Of God
A godly woman is always seeking God’s word for guidance, refinement, and comfort. She diligently reads this heavenly love letter to glimpse into the perfect heart of Jesus, ever pondering how she can be more like Him. She seeks to acquire wisdom and a good understanding to replenish her soul and seeks an intimate relationship with God through His word.
4. Strong And Courageous
A woman of God possesses strength and great courage to always do the right thing, even when others around her don’t. She presents herself as a willing vessel to go wherever the Holy Spirit guides her and to speak whatever He prompts her to speak. She knows that her strength comes from a God for whom nothing is impossible, and she is fearless knowing that He holds her life in His own hands.
5. Ever Seeking To Magnify Jesus
A godly woman knows that life is truly all about Jesus. She is concerned with representing God’s heart in every interaction she has and sharing the gospel with any willing to listen.
Her joy comes from knowing that Jesus saved her through the cross because His love for her was that strong, and she extends that love to others. She is the kind of woman who possesses imperishable beauty because her heart has been refined by the God who is love itself.
6. Someone Who Produces The Fruit Of The Spirit
Producing the fruit of the spirit is the truest mark of godliness one could possess. To bear fruit, she must live and walk in the Holy Spirit and allow Jesus to dwell inside her heart. She lives every day employing these attributes knowing they personify the character of God.
7. Someone Who Practices Modesty And Humility.
Any good Christian woman knows that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so she treats it as such. She glorifies God with her body and is careful to not become a stumbling block for any of her brothers and sisters. She understands that the unfading beauty that impresses her Heavenly Father, comes from her inner self.
She also knows that she shouldn’t think of herself more highly than she ought to and seeks the approval of God, not man. She lives her life understanding that she is wholly dependent on God and that everything leads back to Him.
8. Feminine
A woman of God embraces her femininity and has the appearance of a woman crafted by the hands of God. She is dignified, careful with her tongue, and gorgeous inside and out. She knows her heart is a vessel of the Holy Spirit and seeks to honor God in any way she can.
9. Obedient To God Above all Else
A woman of God is unapologetically obedient to her Heavenly Father and is a servant of the Lord before anything else. She seeks to live in surrender and alignment to God’s will for her life and her love of Christ is evident to all. She knows the word of God is true and she lives her daily life pursing holiness.
10. Someone Who’s Always Willing To Serve Others
A woman of God knows that she is meant to serve others and prioritize the needs of others just as Jesus did. She genuinely cares about other people and keeps her heart attuned to the Holy Spirit for divine appointments. A godly woman is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and is a conductor of God’s love through her actions. She seeks to serve her household with humility and to be a good wife and godly mother to her children.
11. A Hard Worker
A godly woman knows that she was created in God’s image and made to create just as He did. She dedicates all her life’s work to the Lord as an offering and does so with a grateful heart. She is faithful with the talents God has entrusted to her and multiplies goodness with everything she is given. She is resourceful and wise with her money and diligently works knowing that God always provides the increase.
12. Someone Who Has A Healthy Fear Of God
A godly woman remains constantly in awe of her maker knowing that everything that ever was, is, and shall be is resting in His hands. She chooses to turn her back against the world and lives boldly in faith serving her God and following in the footsteps of Jesus. She knows that fearing God is the beginning of wisdom and He holds the keys to every answer in life.
In summary, a godly woman has her eyes set on one thing, and that is Jesus Christ. She follows after Jesus’ light knowing that everything else is darkness, and Christ is the only one who can fulfill her soul. A beautiful woman of God remains in the refining fire of God’s presence all the days of her life.
This post was all about 12 characteristics of a godly woman.
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