I’ve been grappling with the way busyness can hinder your relationship with Godย lately. You know, that feeling like your to-do list is going on and you go like the whole day rushing from one thing to the next? Well, for the past three months, that has been my life, and I have noticed how this takes a toll on my spiritual life.
I bet I am not the only one. The world we live in does tend to glorify busyness, doesn’t it? I mean, really, we do brag on crowded schedules, don’t we? But at what cost? In my life, I see that I would constantly hustle God out.
That is why I want to go a little deeper into this issue. In this article, we will consider nine ways our chaotic lifestyles can chip away at our relationship with God. Don’t freak out just yet-we’re in this together. By the end, I hope that both of us will have some practical ideas about how to slow down and make room for what truly matters.
1. Insufficient Time for Prayer and Meditation
You know those mornings when the alarm just goes off, and you know you are running late? Well, that’s just my life right now. I used to love my quiet time with God, sipping my coffee and journaling my prayers. But with my schedule getting busier, those moments are getting few and far between.
It dawned on me one day that I couldn’t recall the last time I’d really sat in God’s presence. And it just hit me-hard-how busyness can be crippling in your relationship with God isn’t a cute slogan; it is the battling of many of us.
The Bible reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God” in Psalm 46:10. How can we be still when our minds are racing with deadlines and to-do lists? Jesus Himself often withdrew to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16), setting an example we’d do well to follow.
I have learned that prayer is not about talking to God, but about listening as well. That requires stillness, which is in remarkably short supply when we are always on the go. Maybe it is high time that each one of us went back to our schedules and asked ourselves if we are too busy for the One who gives life itself.
2. Neglecting Scripture Reading
Do you remember when you fell in love with someone, and all you could think about was the next time you would hear their voice or be able to read their letter or message? That is our relationship with God’s Word. But if you are anything like me, you may find yourself setting your Bible on your nightstand and forgetting it is even there.
It’s so very easy to get caught in the trap of ‘we are too busy for scripture’. We can scroll through social media over lunch but claim we don’t have time to read a few verses. I’ve been there, and let me tell you, it’s a slippery slope.
Truthfully, neglecting His Word is when we start to see just how painfully busyness can hinder our relationship with God. Like Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” And that is not usually what we are following; without it, we’d be stumbling in the dark, trying to face life’s challenges on our own.
I have found that even the most minuscule moment in the Word can make all the difference. It is a spiritual multivitamin, full of nourishment and connectivity with God’s heart. Perhaps it is time we laid our phones down and our Bibles up. What could be more important than hearing from the Creator of the universe?
3. Decreased Church Attendance and Involvement
I used to be that person who was at church every time the doors were open. Bible study on Wednesday, choir practice on Thursday, service on Sunday-you name it, I was there. But as life got busier, my attendance started to slip. First, it was just missing the occasional midweek meeting. Then, Sunday mornings became “catch up on sleep” time more often than not.
Before I knew it, I was barely connected to my church family. And let me tell you, the impact on my spiritual life was real. That is a perfect example of how busyness can hinder your relationship with God โ not just individually but in the context of community too.
Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.” There is something powerful about worshipping together about being surrounded with fellow believers who can lift you up when you’re down.
I have learned that church is not just another appointment to add to my already overcrowded schedule, but a lifeline into which I am first of all reminded of God’s love, challenged to grow, and supported in my journey. I’m now trying to make much more of a conscious effort to prioritize my church involvement again, because at the end of the day, no busyness is worth sacrificing the joy and strength I find in my faith community.
4. Spiritual Exhaustion
Have you ever felt like your soul is running on empty? I sure have. There was a time when I was juggling a demanding job, family responsibilities, and volunteer commitments. I thought I was being productive, but in reality, I was burning out – not just physically, but spiritually too.
It’s ironic, isn’t it? We push ourselves to the limit, thinking we’re being good stewards of our time and talents. But in doing so, we often forget that our spiritual well-being needs nurturing too. This is where busyness hindering your relationship with God becomes painfully evident.
I remember reading Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was weary, alright, but I hadn’t been coming to Jesus. I’d been trying to do it all on my own strength.
Spiritual exhaustion is real, folks. It’s that feeling of going through the motions without really connecting with God. It’s praying without feeling His presence, serving without joy, and reading Scripture without letting it sink in. If you’re feeling this way, it might be time to step back and reevaluate. Remember, even Jesus took time to rest and recharge (Mark 6:31). Maybe it’s time we followed His example.
5. Misplaced Priorities
Let me tell you about a wake-up call I had recently. My daughter asked me to help her with her Bible study homework, and I found myself saying, “Not now, sweetie. Mummyโs busy.” As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt a pang of guilt. What was I so busy with that I couldn’t spare a few minutes to help my child grow in her faith?
It’s easy to fall into the trap of misplaced priorities. We convince ourselves that we’re doing important things, but are they really more important than our relationship with God and nurturing our family’s faith? This is a classic example of how busyness can hinder your relationship with God – by making us lose sight of what truly matters.
Jesus addressed this issue head-on in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I had to ask myself: Was I really seeking God’s kingdom first, or was I chasing after worldly success and recognition?
Realigning our priorities isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. For me, it meant setting boundaries at work, being more present with my family, and carving out dedicated time for God. It’s an ongoing process, but I’m learning that when I put God first, everything else falls into place.
6. Reduced Capacity for Stillness and Listening
The world we live in today is so fast-paced that silence has become a rare commodity. I used to pride myself on my ability to multitask – listening to podcasts while working out, catching up on calls during my commute, even checking emails during family movie night. But I realized that in my quest to maximize every minute, I’d lost the ability to simply be still.
This constant noise and activity in our lives is perhaps one of the most subtle ways busyness can hinder your relationship with God. We’re so accustomed to constant input that we struggle to quiet our minds and listen for God’s voice.
I’m reminded of the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13. God wasn’t in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire. He was in the gentle whisper. But how can we hear that whisper if we’re surrounded by constant noise?
Learning to be still again has been a challenge, but it’s been so rewarding. I’ve started practicing intentional silence – no phone, no TV, no distractions. Just me and God. It felt awkward at first, but now it’s become a precious part of my day. In those quiet moments, I’ve found that God often speaks loudest.
7. Lack of Service and Outreach
I used to think that being busy meant I was being productive and useful. But then I realized something – in all my busyness, I had stopped serving others. I was so caught up in my own to-do list that I’d forgotten about the needs of those around me.
It’s a sad irony that our busyness can actually prevent us from doing the very things God calls us to do. James 2:14-17 reminds us that faith without deeds is dead. Yet, how busyness can hinder your relationship with God becomes evident when we’re too preoccupied to lend a helping hand or share the love of Christ with others.
I remember the day I drove past a homeless man on my way to an “important” meeting. I felt a tug on my heart to stop, but I reasoned that I didn’t have time. Later, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d missed an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to create margin in my life for spontaneous acts of service. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering at a local shelter, or simply taking the time to truly listen to someone who’s hurting, these moments of outreach have reinvigorated my faith in ways I never expected. They’ve reminded me that our relationship with God isn’t just about personal devotion – it’s about living out His love in the world.
As we conclude our look on how busyness can hinder your relationship with God, it should be clear that such a frenetic pace of life creates a significant threat to your spiritual life. We have examined nine ways the congestion in our schedules can crowd God out of our lives-from giving God the leftover pieces of time, neglecting prayer, and neglecting Scripture to having spiritual burnout.
But remember, diagnosing the problem is the first step toward the solution. By implementing the practical steps outlined here, we prioritize time, we create space, we learn to say no, and we can start to take back the spiritual center of our life. It’s not a matter of doing more; it is a matter of doing less of what is not important.
Ask yourself now: “Am I too busy for God?” If the answer is yes, it’s time for a change in your life. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask yourself: “Am I too busy for God?” Start small-maybe just five minutes of quiet reflection each day and watch as your relationship with God starts to grow. After all, what is more important in the scheme of life than nurturing our relationship with the Divine? Let us choose less busyness and more presence, less frantic and more faithful. Your relationship with God will be grateful for that, as will your peace of mind.
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