This post is all about remembering and discovering your purpose as a child of God!
When we walk the narrow path with Christ, we often wonder if we are acting according to God’s will for our lives.
We ask questions like, “What does God want me to do with my life?” “Am I working the right job?” “How do I know if I’m on the path God has set for me?”
It’s normal to wonder about these things. Thankfully, the Bible clearly states what we should focus on daily.
- Loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37)
- Loving others as ourselves (Matthew 22:39-40)
- Sharing the gospel and making more disciples (Matthew 28:19)
When we remember that we are here to accomplish these three goals, God opens our understanding of what He wants us to do daily and occupational to achieve them!
In this blog post, I want to explore what the Bible says about our daily mission as children of God and investigate how we can examine our strengths and weaknesses to discover how we fit into God’s grand design!
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Our Primary Purpose Is To Love God.
There is absolutely nothing more important than our relationship with God. That’s why Jesus singled out this point as the greatest commandment in the law when challenged by the Pharisees.
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
Matthew 22:37
Jesus gave His life for us, so the only acceptable way to live is in complete submission to Him. We should constantly be at Jesus’s feet, asking for His help and direction in all things and willing to serve Him with our entire lives.
When we live a life of complete submission to Christ and present ourselves as living sacrifices, we can be instruments He uses to help accomplish God’s will on Earth!
Jesus also tells us to prioritize the Kingdom of God first to maintain proper reverence for God and keep our priorities straight. When we get too focused on anything else, things fall apart because we pursue our own will instead of God’s.
But when we seek after God with all our hearts, we can have confidence that God will lead us to the purposes He has for us.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:37-38
And Love Others As We Love Ourselves
The second greatest commandment said to us by Jesus is this:
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:39-40
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Our daily mission should be to love people as God loves us, love unconditionally, treat people with kindness, patience, and respect, and magnify Jesus Christ in the world.
We understand the underserved gift of forgiveness given to us through Jesus’ sacrifice. We have been given the Truth in a world where most are blind.
Every interaction we have in life is an opportunity to glorify God. When we choose to love people and respond to people who have hurt us in a way that honors God, we show that we belong to Christ.
The Great Commission
The truth is that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and time is running out. The only thing we can take to Heaven are people who have embraced the truth of Christ. And often, God is counting on our bold faith and willingness to love people enough to proclaim the gospel to them.
Our focus should be on this at all times. We should always be ready to share about Jesus when an opportunity presents itself.
And we should be in a constant state of reflection to ensure we are setting a good example of someone walking in the Christian faith.
There is nothing more important than this. People need to hear the gospels, and God has chosen us to be stewards of the Truth of Jesus Christ. Therefore, our great commission, spoken by the mouth of our King Himself, is this:
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
Matthew 28:19
Once we have a firm understanding of what our daily mission is as Christians,
Then, we should be concerned about working with God to figure out the details of our lives.
How Do I know What God Wants Me To Do With My Life?
As someone who has always been a bit of an overthinker, this question wracked my brain for years!
I would always find myself asking:
What is Your will, God? How do I know I’m doing the right thing?
I had a severe case of analysis paralysis. It came from somewhere genuine because I wanted to please God, but I would often tie my brain in knots trying to figure out what He wanted me to do.
Here are a few things I’ve learned about discovering God’s purpose for my life.
God Gives Us Different Strengths And Interests For A Reason.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
One beautiful thing about God’s masterful design is how He created us all differently.
I love God’s handiwork in human beings because He created us all vastly unique with different strengths, weaknesses, interests, and disinterests.
For so long, I was overwhelmed by the idea of my free will. I always wondered if I was doing the right thing with my life or was way off track from where God wanted me to be.
Then, someone shared this thought with me. It seemed like a revolutionary idea at the time, and it brought me so much peace.
Don’t you think God has given you your natural affinities and interests for a reason?
God needs people in the Kingdom working in construction, financial advisory, teaching, you name it. God doesn’t make mistakes, so if you have a unique interest, talent, or ability, chances are you’ve been given that gift for a reason.
And even if you’re not working a job you love right now, remember that God always has reasons for doing what He does. There may be people He intends for you to reach at your current job. Or He may be preparing your character so you can better manage His eventual plans for you.
That’s why I think it’s essential always to steward what we have as best we can.
The Closer I Got To God, The Clearer Things Got
If you’re still lukewarm and not prioritizing God the way you should, I don’t think you can expect God to respond to you and your questions with the clarity you desire.
If that’s where you’re at, I don’t say this to condemn you.
When I was still in the process of shedding my sinful habits as a new Christian, It was harder for me to distinguish the voice and promptings of God because my habitual sins created distance between God and myself.
Experiencing the closeness and direction of God that so many of us seek requires complete submission on our part. You have to let Him be Lord over all areas of your life, not just the ones that are convenient and easy to surrender.
“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”
Isaiah 30:21
As we grow in our faith and maturity as Christians, we seek His presence and approval for everything we do.
When we prioritize God and create time to pray and read the scriptures, we strengthen the Holy Spirit’s presence inside us and become more sensitive to God’s voice and direction.
I noticed a significant change in my ability to sense God’s promptings when prioritizing these things.
That’s why we must abide in God. We must not just make Him part of our routine on Sundays but truly live to honor Him in everything we do and understand that we need His direction in everything we do.
It doesn’t mean we won’t endure seasons of confusion and desperation. But when we have faith that God will respond to us in His time and way, He will.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”
John 10:27
Satan Will Try To Make You Overthink EVERYTHING.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve dealt with analysis paralysis in my walk with God.
Even though I knew God was calling me to start this blog for a reason, I still had many fears and anxieties.
For the longest time, I didn’t even want to post anything on this blog out of fear that I would unintentionally mislead somebody or that the things I wrote about wouldn’t be edifying to the body of Christ.
Eventually, I realized that I was dealing with Satan’s attempt to derail my confidence and silence my voice. And Satan will stop at nothing to try to keep the gospel message from being spread.
So, if you feel God is leading you to do something to help spread the Kingdom of God. Be prepared for Satan’s attempts to try to flood your thoughts with doubt. And paralyze you in fear that you’re doing something wrong or have misheard God.
That’s why we have to learn the word of God so we can hear God’s voice and walk confidently in our authority in Jesus Christ. We are God’s handiwork and workers in the field. He is counting on us to step forward in faith and the salt and light at our jobs, homes, social media, and everywhere we go.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119:105
And if God is calling you to start that ministry, website, clothing business, financial firm, restaurant…
Go for it. Do whatever you can to exemplify God’s love and seek opportunities to help people get to know Christ.
Because at the end of the day, the souls of the people we meet are the ONLY thing that matters.
And remember that God allows us time to grow, mature, change, and repent if we get something wrong. The Truth is that none of us will ever get it one hundred percent right, which is why we need Jesus!
Whatever we do, we should ALWAYS be close to God and seek His approval. And if we end up heading down the wrong path, we can always count on God’s loving conviction to lead us back to His will.
Sweet Maple Cafe in North Conway, NH, A cute little restaurant walking in purpose
I recently visited the most charming little breakfast restaurant in North Conway, NH. It had worship music playing over its speakers, Bible verses written on the walls, a cross on the menu, and Bible verses on the coffee mugs and disposable cups.
You could feel the atmosphere of God in the room and the love this little family business had for Jesus.
I can’t even imagine how many seeds of faith are planted there, just by the people coming and going, happening to read a bible verse on the wall or their mug.
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17
If you’re ever in North Conway, NH…Make sure to visit Sweet Maple Cafe!
Be willing to let God adjust the wind in my sails every day.
The last thing I want to say about purpose is that we should always be willing to allow God to adjust our sails.
Sometimes, God tells us to do something crazy, like move to a new city, buy someone’s groceries for them, or wait in the park without giving us any extra details about why.
Our only job is to listen and do as our Heavenly Father says. He has a master plan and understands how all the pieces of His puzzle fit together.
So, treat every day like a new mission. And embrace every new day with joy, knowing that the Lord is the captain of your life and that His plans for you are always good.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11
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