I’ve been reflecting recently on how my life has changed since I became a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Now that I am walking with Christ and living with a Biblical worldview, I see everything differently. I see the forces of good and evil at work, how sin destroys the lives of those around us, and how demons infect the hearts and minds of people who don’t know Jesus.
If you are running the race of faith, I’m sure you can attest to how much Jesus has changed your life, perception, desires, and purpose.
We know with all our hearts that Jesus Christ is the truth, and everything He said will come to pass.
Including the end.
This reality simultaneously brings me immeasurable joy and chills to my bones.
The thought of being with Jesus forever, being embraced by Him, and feeling Him wipe every tear from my eyes helps keep me going every day.
Yet, I can’t acknowledge this blissful truth without accepting that people will get left behind.
Those who don’t accept Jesus’ gift of love, forgiveness, and salvation
WILL be cut off and separated from God forever.
People will be cast into the lake of fire with Satan.
And for most people, this life will be the closest they’ll ever get to God and Heaven.
It’s inexpressibly heartbreaking. And it breaks God’s heart too.
I don’t think anyone but God Himself can comprehend the magnitude of eternity.
Yet this is the truth, and God has given us eyes to see it.
I’m writing this blog post today to remind us that God has revealed the truth for a reason.
To reach others.
Through the power of Jesus’ Holy Spirit, we’ve been empowered to overcome sin and be shining lights in a world full of darkness. Jesus Christ Himself has entrusted each one of us with the most priceless truth ever to exist.
We must not keep it to ourselves.
Romans 1:16-17 tells us:
We understand the power of the gospel because it has changed us, and it has the power to change the lost, too.
God is counting on us to share the good news of Jesus with unshakable faith, not caring what the world says about it.
We are the few laborers in the plentiful harvest, if we don’t fearlessly share the gospel, who will?
Even though so many are closing their eyes and covering their ears to any rhetoric even resembling the gospel, we still need to try.
Their salvation is on the line.
But let us not forget that when we toil in the field and plant seeds of faith, God will provide the increase in His time.
Talk about what Jesus has done for you on social media. Write songs. Write blog posts. Ask the old man in the grocery store if he knows Jesus Christ. Make Bible tracts and hand them out. Leave flowers on someone’s car with an index card preaching the gospel. Tell your aunt about what Jesus has done for your life. Call someone out of the blue and pray with them.
And expect God to MOVE!
Because Jesus tells us that our faith can move mountains.
Let us remain in our Word and be steadfast in prayer so we can be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
And have faith that the Holy Spirit of God will equip us to know what to say to each lost soul at the right time.
Let us stay sober to the reality of eternity looming and stay in incessant prayer for those who are lost.
There are souls at stake, and Jesus longs for every one of them.
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